Our Ecommerce(Single Vendor) Portal Features
The features below are our ecommerce features for online stores. Online stores are easy to use, easy to manage and give you control over maintaining your ecommerce website. We specialize in customizations and special applications to meet your every need. Our design and layouts are custom for each client and project.
Home Page
- Top Menu Implementation with submenu support.
- Quick Contact Info module
- Converting the uniquely designed graphics design into CMS layout.
- Configuring the CMS module Positions layouts
- Menu layout and position creation as per graphics design.
- Left side menu with categories list.
- Banners scrolling using script.
- No. of products and categories display left side of banners.
- Our website advantages/features images display right side of banners.
- Hot deals, featured products and new products display in home page.
- Display some popular categories with category image in home page.
- Top brands with logo scrolling in home page.
- Left side website logo
- Search option with category.
- Contact no
- Mail id
- Login link
- Registration link
- Company business tag line highlighting
- Shopping cart
- Horizontal menu.
- About us
- Testimonials
- Careers
- Advertise with us
- Sitemap
- Contact us
- Terms and conditions
- Privacy policy
- Cancellation policy
- Return policy
- Exchange Policy
- Shipping & Packing
- Most popular brands
- Most popular categories
- Most popular products
- Newsletter subscription
Social networking links
- YouTube
- Pinterest, etc…
- Our website features
- Facebook plug-in with user likes and images.
- Google translator
Share with friends
- Third party tool
- Copy rights.
- Design and developed company details
Inner Page
- Category
- Brand
- Price
- Colour etc …
- Grid view
- List view
- Photo view
Sort by
- Price low to high
- Price high to low
- Name A to Z
- Name Z to A
- Hot products
- Featured products
- Products display in grid view with free shipping, discount image, amount off, product keyword in tooltip etc …
- User friendly and easy navigation bar.
Product Detailed Page
- Product big size image.
- Multiple images for that product.
- Magnifier for every image.
- Social networking links for sharing purpose like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, etc …
- Product title in big size.
- User friendly and easy navigation bar.
- Products model no display.
- Product manufacture name.
- Colour of the product
- Available colours
- Quantity selection.
- MRP Price
- Offer price.
- Shipping details
- If it is free shipping we will display free shipping image.
- Buyer protection image.
- Secure payment image.
- Brand-new image.
- If it is used we will display used image instead or brand-new image.
- Product description
- Product features
- Product videos
- Customer review
- Write a review option for registered users.
- Popular product display vertically in right side.
- Below of the product description we will display may also you like this products in horizontal.
Shopping cart page
Product details display in horizontal view
- S. No
- Product name
- Actual price
- Discount
- Unit price
- Shipping charge
- Quantity update facility
- Subtotal
- Delete option
- Grand total
- Place order
- Continue shopping
- Continue shopping
After clicking place order
- Guest login
- Normal login with username and password.
- Login through social networking site logins like Facebook, Google Plus.
Simple Registration form with right side
- Name
- Mobile no
- E-mail id
- I agree terms and conditions
- User-friendly and easy navigation bar.
After clicking check out button
- Customer login.
- Customers have an option to select shipping address.
- Customers have an option to select payment gateway.
- Customer can enter payment details
- After successful payment the page redirects to order confirmation page.
Registration process
- After entering customer name, mobile number and email.
- User will get activation link to user mail id.
- After clicking the activation link user will receive a password on his mobile.
- Through this process we will verify user mail id and mobile no.
- Using this login credentials user can login in to our website.
Customer Modules
- Dashboard
- My profile
- Shipping details
- Billing address details
- Recent orders list
- Inbox:Customers can receive internal mails from vendor and admin.
- Customers have a option to send a mail to vendor and admin.
- Sent mails storing option.
- Mails search option.
- Compose option to write mail.
- Orders history:Order date
- Invoice number.
- Reference number.
- Amount paid
- Status
- Confirmed
- Not confirmed
- Pending failed
- Invoice full view:Products information
- Customer information
- Billing and shipping details
- Amount details
- Invoice print option
- Invoice download option
- Invoice mail option
- My profile: Name, email id, mobile no, land line no, image, date of birth, gender update option.
- Address book:Customer can add more shipping address this option useful for whenever the customer is buying the product at that time user have a option to select shipping address.
- Wish list:Customer have a option to add product into wish list
- Received SMS: Storage of customer received SMS on his mobile.
- Change password: Customer have option to change password for his login.
- Logout:This option is useful for logout from customer inbox
Admin Modules
- Dashboard: Latest orders, today site user's count, total categories count, total products count.
- Categories creation: Name and image.
- Sub categories creation: Category selection, name, and image.
- Child categories creation: Category and sub category selection option, name and image.
- Inbox: Admin can receive internal mails from customer and vendors.
- Brands:Brands name and image upload option.
- Specifications: Side headings for product description in front end product full view.
- Attributes: Attribute group creation, attribute names, and attribute values.
- Ad Management
- Category wise Banner uploading
- Sub Category wise uploading
- Child Category wise uploading
- Banner Management
- Category wise Banner uploading
- Sub Category wise uploading
- Child Category wise uploading
- Feature Ads Banner
- Popular Ads Banner
- New Ads Banner
- Built in poling and Ad Rating System.
- Refine search:Front end refine search attributes management.
- Orders history: Orders search option by date, product name and invoice number
- SEO: SEO option for front end pages.
- Customers login details:Customer name, email id, mobile no, login status, login creation date, login creation time, customer details edit and customer delete option.
- News letter subscription: Customer subscription mail ids database.
- Country, state, city management:For front end customer shipping details.
- Payment gateway details: Payment gateways selection option.
- Shipping types: Different shipping details entering option.
- Careers:Admin can download user uploaded resumes
- Contact us: Address management and user enquiry details.
- CMS management:Terms and conditions, privacy policy, FAQ'S, cancellation policy, return policy, exchange policy, shipping packing
- Banners:Banners management.
- Feedback Reviews:Customers given feedback and review details activation option.
- Web settings:Host name, favicon, logo, admin contact details, email and mobile no, currency selection, social network links, social network app ids, google settings, error images.
- Search results: we will store front end customer search results with date and time for further business growth.
- Admin login details:we can store admin login session with IP, time, date and browser details for security reason.
- Change password: Admin can change password for admin panel.
- Logout:Logout from admin panel.