The War Against Responsive Web Design
T Since 2013, everyone seems to be praising Responsive Web Design (RWD) as the saviour of mobile site development. That's also acceptable, given that RWD is presently the only sounding strategy for dealing universally and successfully with any device resolution. It seeks to bring this chaotic browser-based cosmos together, which is plagued with fragmentation caused by hardware industry competition. Google, too, ranks only those websites that offer a seamless browsing experience on mobile devices. And since there has been a significant increase in the number of smartphone users, it makes complete sense to have a website with responsive web design. This is why most firms get in touch with a web design agency in New York, they scrutinize beforehand if it excels in creating a responsive web design or not. Having said that, unfortunately, Responsive Web Design isn't the Messiah you're looking for, as it comes with its own set of flaws. However, because it is too important for the future of web design, the conflict has sparked a flame war among web designers. Here are some of its disadvantages Takes long time to load: The golden rule of good web design is that it should load very fast. This is particularly true for mobile users who are often on the go and have a poor Internet connection. Rapid loading speeds, on the other hand, are clearly opposed by responsive web design. That means that if you have a responsive website, your competitor's mobile-optimized website is likely to be far faster. The reason for the delay is that in order to access a responsive website, you must first load all of the website's images and scripts, even if some of them aren't required for mobile device display. This results in a 7-fold increase in site loading time as compared to a specialized, mobile-optimized website. It's a disaster, especially if you're running an e-commerce site or if your site isn't popular enough to put your visitors' patience to the test. It Destroys a Website That Is Feature-Driven: Every key feature – from search to navigation, category to action button – is expected when a visitor views a website on any device. That's where the issues arise, because the most popular technique for a responsive website is to cram them into a big, tiresome list of functions, which is sometimes hidden away. Prepare to have navigation menus take up the entire screen, or to not be able to navigate at all. Hide features that aren't needed? That isn't a great approach, though, because each user has their own preferences for various aspects, and deleting any of them will inevitably result in usability issues. The Advertising Model is Disrupted: Unlike any other site element, we, as the publisher, do not have complete control over the display of advertisements. Even if we could alter the ad size to meet the Responsive Web Design criteria, it would break the advertiser's arrangement, because most web advertisement firms are founded on ad placement. Because everything is confined to a pre-defined resolution, advertisers must reconsider the value of advertising on your site, and their top-performing ads may be forced to a different location on the site, or the layout will be broken. Websites that rely on ad networks such as Google AdSense and do not provide responsive ads are doomed. You shouldn't expect them to solve the problem for you either. On their end, the implementation is quite difficult. Internet Explorer 8 Is Currently Unsupported: Expect your business client to contact you on the first day after receiving your responsive website and asking why it doesn't operate on his PC. If you ask what browser he's using, there's a good probability he's using Internet Explorer. How can you inform him that his website is incompatible with the browser that currently has a global share of 24 percent browser usage? That may seem like the worst option you could make, but CSS3 media queries, the foundation pillar of RWD, are not supported by Internet Explorer 8 and below. It Costs a Lot of Money, Time, And Effort: We have a tendency to be too hopeful about every new piece of technology that appears on the Internet until we put it to use. Implementing Responsive Web Design, as you can see from the four disadvantages described above, takes a great deal of knowledge about web technology and design patterns. It's insanity to use trial-and-error approaches to reach a goal. Furthermore, the strategy is based on the premise that the browser will render the design flawlessly and without defects. That, of course, isn't the case. Because of the RWD's fluid nature, there will be unexpected errors every time the layout changes structure in response to screen resolution and orientation. So, the need of the hour is to get a website that’s responsive to different screen sizes and yet doesn’t have these flaws. And for this, you need to contact the best web design agency in New York, such as Map-It Inc.